Thursday, May 24, 2012

Around the Yard Tour - Spring 2012

We have been working hard this Spring to get our yard in tip-top shape! So many of our ideas last year hinged on the plan to "do that next Spring." Here's a look at our yard so far. Oh, and in case you're interested, I've got pics of the garden up on Tending My Field.

Welcome! :)

My faded housewarming gift from my mom (above). As you can see I took 2 mismatched stepping stones and painted them to match.

My husband's grillside herb garden. He's quite proud of this little addition.

Miss E's flower garden (left).
The pots contain carrots, garlic (it's got to turn brown before I can pluck it up), and some sad looking spinach...

Thought I would outline where I want the driveway to be and then kill the grass in the middle. I thought it was a good idea at the time....Ahem...perhaps not!

The playground...

My Daddy's tiller (on loan) & the broken lawnmower. (What? Didn't you know a non-working piece of machinery is a requirement in a southern yard?) Also, I have a rosebush back there...Can you see?

I made these little enclosures on either side of the porch. The grass wouldn't grow well there, so I was glad to have a way to cover it up. I planted some hostas and filled it with black mulch. 

My Mama gave me 2 weeping willows. As you can see they are tiny...But I am hoping they stay alive and make a beautiful addition to our front and back yards.

On the left is the tree in our front yard. It has gotten bigger since last year! (They do that, ya know!) 
It looks so good now that I added the mulch. Now if only the moles would evacuate my yard instead of leaving their patchy dirt. On the right is my vintage radio flyer. We use it to cart supplies to the garden.

I love our little flower bed additions to the front. There are 2 and they look so cute in front of the porch. Did I mention I love my porch?

Another housewarming present from my parents...our fire pit. We used the "concrete" slab that was under the old A/C unit to put under it. 

I don't have a picture yet, but we share a hydrangea bush with the neighbor. It's full of big blue blossoms. (Nice alliteration, Dessa)

Thanks for checking in...

Happy Spring!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for coming over to the garden party and linking up!

    I wish I had an old wagon like yours, it would come in handy. I hope your weeping willows do well and get big, they are a lovey tree!

    Come on back next week!
