Monday, May 14, 2012

List #2: Daily Tasks

These are my daily tasks. I've put them in a general order...But as you all know, my plans and my children's actions don't always go hand in hand! For instance, when R was little he dumped the remainder of a gallon of milk in the trash, drew on his wall with marker, and ran water through the toilet paper tube (with the toilet paper still on the roll). And he did it all in one day! Then there's E, who once carried an egg upstairs to her bedroom so she could bust it and smear it all over the carpet. (Well that might not have been her intent, but it was the result!) And just the other day I caught Baby R dumping the cat food and water in the floor and smearing the mixture. So when I say general order, you get the picture! 

Here is my daily tasks list. This applies on weekdays when we are at home (most days).

Make coffee
Water plants
Make bed
Get dressed
Shine sinks
Start breakfast
Kids' morning routines
Review plans for day - nightime/daily
Prayer/Reading time/Kids' educational electronic time
15 minutes exercise
Load of clothes/fold/put away clothes from dryer
30 minutes of cleaning
2 hours education time
2 hours education time
Reading (big bro)/resting (little siblings)
Snack/Afternoon TV time
Daddy home!
Check mail
Tend garden
Kids' nighttime routines
Load of dishes
Trash out

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