Welcome to our new home! Come on in and take a peek!

Okay...you can take a small peek. I have some more gussying up to do in places, so you'll just get the partial tour today.
Let's start in the living room where you'll find my $15 red goodwill chair. I love it! I'm thinking a large clock on the wall behind it would be nice...

And here is the view from the dining room...

Here are my favorite things from our bedroom...the little library (the sign on top says, "And they lived happily ever after..." How perfect is that?).

and my nightstand...

That beauty of a picture...well, that was taken and gifted by an awesome friend. It was originally taken for our Church directory. She is an amazing lady who does everything well (including making directory pictures works of art!).
What about the kitchen, baths, kids rooms, exterior, back yard, porch, and laundry room? Well, when I get some more work done, I hope to share it all!
For now, thanks for stopping by!
God Bless!
~Dessa <3
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