I have started couponing for baby supplies and scouting out clearance items for the little guy. Here is what we have so far:

It has an almost 5 star rating on walmart.com...and I am so excited to try something new! =)
A box of 500-something wipes
Newborn diapers
Size 1 diapers
New Avent bottle (We loved Avent with Miss E!)
2 new crocheted blankets from Great-Grandmama
And lots of cute clothes from Target (I love Target clearance!!!!)
We also have hand me downs from brother and sister, including a car seat, stroller, playpen, clothes, and blankets.
I know these things will end up just being a drop in the bucket, but I am so glad that we have already started preparing for our little man. I am definitely in nesting mode...and I only have +/-12 weeks to finish up!
Ready or not, baby is coming!
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